»As a certified AEO F service provider, Condor has fulfilled the highest AEO criteria for years. The more demanding the requirements for security and compliance, the more it calls for Condor.«
Andreas Gfrerer, CEO Condor Logistics, Salzburg.
The new Union Customs Code (UCC) of the European Union will apply as of 1 May 2016.
The Union Customs Code (UCC) was adopted on 9 October 2013 as Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 of the European Parliament. Its substantive provisions will apply beginning 1 May 2016, and are to be adopted and enforced from this date by all operators. The UCC is part of the modernization of customs and will serve as the new framework regulation on the rules and procedures for customs throughout the EU. The UCC and the related delegated and implementing acts are intended to:
- streamline customs legislation and procedures
- offer greater legal certainty and uniformity to businesses
- increase clarity for customs officials throughout the EU
- simplify customs rules and procedures and facilitate more efficient customs transactions in line with modern-day needs
- complete the shift by customs to a paperless and fully electronic environment
- reinforce swifter customs procedures for compliant and trustworthy economic operators (AEO)
Authorized Economic Operators (AEOs) gain particular importance in the customs process since the application of certain simplified procedures require the fulfillment of AEO criteria by the dutiable companies. Those criteria are:
- A record of compliance with customs requirements;
- A satisfactory system of managing commercial and, where appropriate, transport records, which allows appropriate customs controls;
- Proven financial solvency;
- Appropriate security and safety standards.
With the Union Customs Code, a new, additional criterion will be introduced. AEOs will be required to have practical or professional qualifications that are directly related to their actual operation. At present, this is understood to be:
- Practical qualifications: at least 3 years of practical experience in customs-related matters
- Proof of quality standards in the field of customs law by accredited EU certification authorities
- Certified Code of Conduct, issued by an EU lobby
- Vocational competence: demonstrably successful completion of a course of studies with the customs authorities or an approved training facility
Condor has enjoyed AEO F status for years, having fulfilled the highest AEO standards, and can thus provide its business partners with operational reliability in the supply chain, expertise in customs matters, and the greatest level of compliance. For detailed info and sources visit: http://ec.europa.eu , wko.at, zoll.de