»Condor was even asked by other logistics firms for their expertise to get the camera equipment of several TV stations through Russian customs quickly and securely.«

Andrey Gorbulin, Moscow, Russia

How does the Austrian National Team gear up for a game?

Transport of sports equipment belonging to the Austrian National Football Team to Moscow. Logistics specialist for Russia.

June 14, 2015 at the European Championship qualifier in Russia was a good day for the Austrian National Football Team, which ended in their favour with a 1:0 against Russia. And none other than Condor was responsible for the timely arrival of the team’s equipment to Moscow. Not an easy task considering the fact the strict Russian customs make no exceptions, even with “national team” status. Accuracy of records involving imported and exported goods goes so far there, that even the jersey swap after a game is considered with suspicion. In addition to successfully overseeing the logistic undertaking of transporting the equipment of the National Team from Vienna to Moscow in time for the European Championship qualifier, Condor was even asked by other logistics firms for their expertise to get the camera equipment of several TV stations through Russian customs quickly and securely.

  1. The Mission
    Transport of the complete sports equipment of the Austrian National Football Team from Vienna to Moscow in time for the European Championship qualifier.
  2. The Challenge
    Documentation for the shipment on extremely short notice, since the equipment was still in use in Austria until shortly before the game. Step in as a troubleshooter for other logistics firms.
  3. Our Solution
    Preliminary customs documents were prepared and translated into Russian in advance. Our freight forwarding staff on site took over the coordination and problem solving.

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